Challenge Tracking

Past Reading and Challenges

Sunday, December 29, 2019

52 books in 52 weeks

This challenge is hosted at Mommymannegren and is similar to the Goodreads Around the Year in 52 Books.  Just a different set of prompts with some overlap. There is a Facebook group to join for discussion and idea sharing.

Challenge topics

My Selections:   

  1. A book with the letter “W” in the title-  DONE
  2. A hardcover DONE 
  3. By an indigenous authorplan to read There, There by Tommy Orange
  4. Set in winter DONE
  5. A character who is a senior  DONE
  6. Written in the 1970’s DONE
    1. An author local to you DONE
    2.  Orange on the cover DONE
    3. Set in space  DONE
    4. A bestseller  DONE
    5. A book that leaves you thinking  DONE
    6. A “guilty pleasure”-  DONE
    7. Written by a female author  DONE
    8. Book in a series-  DONE
    9.  Book with romance DONE
    10.  Borrowed from a friend DONE
    11.  Written by more than one author- DONE
    12. Published in 2020 DONE
    13. A Stephen King novelDONE
    14. An author whose last name starts with the same initial as yours DONE
    15. Written by a blogger or journalist DONE
    16. A character that frustrates you DONE
    17. Title beginning with A  DONE
    18. Title beginning with B DONE
    19. Title beginning with C DONE
    20. A strong “friendship” theme DONE
    21. A comic book DONE
    22. Literary Fiction  DONE
    23.  An award-winning novel DONE
    24. A book with recipes inside-DONE
    25. A book featuring royalty- DONE
    26.  A spy novel DONE
    27. A book containing poetry   DONE
    28. A book with illustrations  DONE
    29. An author’s debut book DONE
    30. Written in first person   DONE 
    31. A book featuring the medical profession DONE
    32. Set in the future DONE
    33. A book used in a celebrity book club DONE
    34. A book on the Mensa reading list for grades 9-12  DONE
    35. Published when you were 20 plan to read Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson
    36. Reuse a prompt from a past year "A Plant on the Cover"  DONE
    37. Set in a country you’ve never visited before DONE
    38. “Recommended” to you by Amazon DONE
    39. A book that cost you less than $5  DONE 
    40. By an author used in an earlier category DONE
    41. Story takes place on a form of transportation DONE
    42. Character who wears glasses DONE
    43. About a World Leader  DONE
    44. An author you previously disliked-  DONE
    45. A genre you don’t normally care for- DONE
    46. A book with a Foreword-  DONE

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