The first book of 2020 I read was Eggs on Ice by Laura Childs. This is the most recent addition to her Cackleberry Club series. It is set at Christmas time and centers around the small town activities of at Christmas such as the local actors' production of a Christmas Carol and the Cafe's Christmas Tea. As always there were several twists and suspicions cast on various parties. The guilty party was pretty much a surprise to me, although when revealed it is a very logical party, just not one you had any real clue was the murderer.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Always a fun and quick read to hear about the events at the Cackleberry Cafe. This one had some fun twists and turns based around the Christmas happenings in Kindred, TN. Lots of old characters return in the storyline. The guilty party was a bit of a surprise. Enjoyable light read as always
View all my reviews
The second book which I read in a single day thanks to a flight home from Orlando was Three Widows and a Corpse by Debra Sennefelder. This is the 3rd installment in her food blogger mysteries about Hope Early. You can find my full review of the book here on Good reads.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It is always enjoyable to read about Hope Early and her adventures in Jefferson, CT. I enjoy the relationships she has with the different generations of characters from her older friend, Jane, to her relationship with her sister, Clare. The developing story line with her frenemy Meg and her new friendship with Kitty are always interesting to read as well. I did figure out who was the guilty party but Ms. Sennefelder did a good job of keeping the reader guessing through most of the story throwing lots of possible suspects into the mix.
The story had several twists and turns and it is always fun to read the descriptions of her blogging and food photography. The included recipes always sound yummy, even if I will probably never try them.
All in all a fun cozy mystery.
View all my reviews
Challenges covered:
All of these books are Library borrows so that gets me started off quite well on my Library Love challenge as well. Be sure to check out my Challenge tracker tab at the top of the page to see how I am doing on my different challenges.
- Cravings for a Cozy and Cloak and Dagger: Books 1 and 2
- Cruising through cozies - Eggs ( Culinary) Three Widows (Career)
- Medical Examiner- 2 Toe Tag for Eggs and 1 for Widows
- Six Shooter- 1 shot for Laura Childs and 1 for Debra Sennefelder
- Finishing the Series- Both books catch me up on the series as of Jan 2020
- Literary Escapes- TN- Eggs on Ice; CT- Three Widows and a Corpse
- Library Love- Books 1 and 2
- TBR Book #1 #Backlistreader ; #MountTBR2020; #StartOnYourShelfathon Books 1 and 4
- Alphabet soup Author- #AlphabetSoupAuthorChallenge C (Laura Childs) and D (Debra Sennefelder)
- AtoZ and Alphabet soup challenge #AlphabetSoupChallenge E and T
- Monthly Keyword- #MonthlyKeyWordChallenge Jan word Water (Eggs on Ice)
- Popsugar-
- Eggs On Ice- #23 Bird on the Cover
- Three Widows and a Corpse #29 about social media
- What's in a Name- Eggs on Ice #6 One of the 4 natural elements: water, air, fire, earth
- Calendar of Crime-
- April #9 Church member plays major role- Eggs on Ice
- Aug #3 Three Widows and a Corpse Action takes place in this month
- Wizarding World Tour-
- Durmstrang- related to the cold Eggs on Ice
- Ilvermorny- Set in NorthEast USA Three Widows and a Corpse (CT)
- Around the Year in 52 Books-
- #1 A book with a title that doesn't contain the letters A, T or Y- Eggs on Ice
- #9 A book that can be read in a day Three Widows and a Corpse
- Mystery Bingo:
- Weapons card : Rope and Knife- Eggs on Ice; Gun- Three Widows and a Corpse
- Crime scene card: Restaurant- Three Widows and a Corpse
- Red Herrings card: Lights go Out-Eggs on Ice; Secret Marriage- Three Widows and a Corpse
- 52 books in 52 weeks-
- Eggs on Ice #4 Set in Winter
- Three Widows and a Corpse #1 A book with "W" in title
- BooklistQueen:
- Eggs on Ice #32 The Next Book in a Series
- Three Widows and a Corpse #8 Title with Five or More Words
- NJM Book Challenge #NJMBookChallenge2020 #12 a book you can read in a single day
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