The story line definitely contains military references which I could relate to as a military dependent. I grew up on Navy bases around the US for the first 15 years of my life. I didn't live in the same place for more than 4 years until I had graduated college. I'm guessing this is where my love of travel originated. It wasn't a life everyone would enjoy but we have some great memories of places we would never have lived otherwise- like Hawaii.
All in all I enjoyed the book and plan to read more of the series

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is the first book i have read in this series. I enjoyed the story with its numerous plot twists.
Sara Winston is a well developed character. I felt like there was more to her than many of the cozy mystery characters. You got to see more of her thoughts and emotions than a typical cozy.
I will definitely go back and read the rest of the series.
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Challenge Tracking:
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- Alphabet soup Author- #AlphabetSoupAuthorChallenge "H"
- AtoZ and Alphabet soup challenge #AlphabetSoupChallenge "L"
- Cravings for a Cozy and Cloak and Dagger: Book 5
- Cruising through cozies - career #2
- Calendar of Crime- May #9 Military figure has a major role
- Cloak and Dagger: Book 5
- Literary Escapes- MA
- Medical Examiner- 2 Toe Tag
- Six Shooter- 1 shot for Sherry Harris
- Mystery Bingo:
- Weapons card : Motor Vehicle and Fire
- Clues: Disguise; muddy clothing
- 52 Books in 52 weeks #13 written by a woman
- Book List Queen #10 Clever Title
- NJM- #20 Author new to you
- Wizarding World Tour Beauxbatons- Someone breaks the law
- Color Coded: #2 Red
- Popsugar- #popsugarreadingchallenge #20 with a pun in the title
- Around the Year in 52 Books- #34 A book from a genre or sub genre that starts with a letter in your name---Cozy mystery
- 20 in 20: #Read20in2020 #2 A book set in the country where you are residing
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Garage sales are not one of my loves, but Sara sounds like a good character.