I must admit when I checked it out from the library, I had no idea what the book was about, just that it was a popular pick that everyone seemed to be giving good reviews. When I discovered it was based around such a tragic event, I was hesitant but moved forward with the audiobook. I am so glad I didn't skip it to avoid the sad story.
While it is sad and difficult to read at times, especially since I have a teenage boy, it was overall a satisfying read. It is a testament to the strength of perseverance and of the human will. It demonstrates that we all process tragedy and life in our own unique way. I appreciated Napolitano's development of the characters and their relationships. It made them feel real. The novel ends on a positive note that left me feeling happy and optimistic. See my review from Goodreads below

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was very well written. I had no idea of the topic when I first started the book and was a bit worried when I realized what it was about. I am not a big fan of the tear jerk novels that often end up on Oprah's book club list. I find those end up upsetting me so much that I cannot enjoy them. Well, this book was not one that has you bawling. It is very poignant and sad at points but I found it more thought provoking then overly sad. The story is well written, alternating between the past in 2013 and the story that is in the future. Napolitano does a wonderful job of showing Edward as human and the struggles he and his family face while trying to move forward from the tragedy they experienced. She really portrays the reality of the fact there is no guide book for dealing with such loss and there is no right or wrong way to handle it. Lacy, John and Edward do their best to move forward. The relationships between them and Edward's with Shay are atypical but honest. I appreciate the closure that is provided at the end of the story and the glimpse of the future that leaves you with a happy view and hope for Edward to have a happy life. I can definitely recommend this book.
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Challenge Prompts
The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:- Library Love #LibraryLoveChallenge - Book 21
- Audiobook challenge
- Wizarding World Tour
- Beauxbatons: Blue Cover
- Alphabet soup Author- #AlphabetSoupAuthorChallenge "N"
- Popsugar- #popsugarreadingchallenge #6 Bildungsroman
- Around the Year in 52 Books- #22 A major theme of survival
- 52 Books in 52 weeks #28 Literary Fiction
- What's in a Name #4 Given name in title