Monday, January 27, 2025

Booklist queen 25

  Booklist Queen is one of the original challenges I started on with my reading adventure.  I am happy to try to complete this 52 prompt challenge again in 2024.   


Post books read to the FB page

Progress: 0/52

  1. Meant to read last year
  2. Goodreads winner 2024
  3. Romantasy
  4. About siblings
  5. Becoming movie / show in 25
  6. Spy thriller
  7. Women's fiction
  8. Title starts with c
  9. Nonfiction book about health
  10. Twist ending
  11. Published 2015
  12. Fiction and nf by same author
  13. Fiction and nf by same author
  14. Mythology retelling
  15. Own but haven't read
  16. Set in Middle East
  17. Sequel
  18. Debut author
  19. Heartwarming story
  20. Book that took a while to read
  21. Classic recommended to you
  22. Villain as a protagonist
  23. Set in summer
  24. 2024 bestseller
  25. Green cover
  26. Bottom of your TBR
  27. Author from Africa
  28. Book that made you cry
  29. About a politician
  30. Popular book you've never read
  31. Illustrated book
  32. Audiobook with multiple narrators
  33. Set in suburbs
  34. Dark academia
  35. Intriguing cover
  36. 5 star read
  37. About an immigrant
  38. Banned book
  39. Set in 1960s
  40. With ch titles
  41. Dystopian fiction
  42. Author you love
  43. Multigenerational story
  44. Animal in the title
  45. 2025 new release
  46. Out of your comfort zone
  47. Thought provoking hist fict
  48. Book everyone is talking about
  49. Romance
  50. Best selling memoir
  51. Ya fiction
  52. Reread a favorite

Chapter Break Bingo 25

 Chapter Break hosts monthly bingo cards to promote more reading.   The main page can be found here. The new cards are scheduled to be posted on the 3rd of the month.  

Read a physical book
Orange on cover
Mermaid/merman/sea creature
Body of Water
Free book
Set in the South
Book club read
Not in a series
Character is in a club
Meant to read in 2024
Library book
Different culture
Shelf Love
Character is real/famous
Read an ebook
Diverse read

52 bingo in 25

  This is a straightforward bingo style challenge hosted by the 52in52 blog.  It sets you up to read 25 books that can be fiction or nonfiction.   The words are open to reader interpretation

Monthly daisy chain challenges

 Kat the Booknerd has a monthly daisy chain style challenge for 2025 that is board game themed.  The idea is you must read the books in order and they must comply with the rules that build from book 1 to book 5.  So far I have enjoyed putting together Jan and Febs lists.  I have almost completed the reading for Jan- the Monopoly Board.

Jan Monopoly Board

My board:

Unabridged Podcast

 Another brief challenge hosted by the Unabridged Podcast it has 12 prompts

  1. Book that fits into two genres: 
  2. About someone with neurodivergence:
  3. Graphic novel or comic book:
  4. Retelling from a secondary character's perspective:
  5. Romance featuring a character with a disability:
  6. Book you've read before:
  7. Book that's been on your shelf a long time:
  8. About a social justice issue: 
  9. Book by BIPOC author adapted for stage or screen: 
  10. About a culture other than your own:
  11. By a debut LGBTQ author:
  12. Audiobook read by a new-to-you narrator: 

It's all Buzzwords

 Buzzword Monthly challenge is one I found via Jamie at Whatever I Think Of!

It is hosted on youtube by BooksandLaLa  

Jan:   Everyone Here Is Lying by Shari Lapena  Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/1/25 












Cover lovers challenge

 I found a new cover based challenge for 2025.   This is generally a fun and interesting way to complete additional challenges.  It is hosted by Susan on her blog Blogginboutbooks

Level One:
 1-10 books

Level Two: 11-20 books

Level Three: 21-30 books

Level Four: 31-40 books  <= my goal

Level Five: 41-50 books

Completed:  0/50

Read a book with a cover that includes:

1. your favorite color

2. headwear of some kind (hat, helmet, yarmulke, hijab, etc.)

3. a mode of transportation

4. bookish elements

5. an author that has a common name spelled in an uncommon way (i.e. Stephenie Meyer, Kelley Armstrong, etc.)

6. an illustrated scene

7. a design that is in desperate need of a makeover

8. a wintry scene

9. a summery scene

10. food

11. a skeleton, bones, or a skull and crossbones

12. floral elements

13. sports equipment

14. a title and/or scene that makes you laugh

15. something you might see in a hospital (medicine bottles, IV stand, stethoscope, doctor, etc.)

16. someone wearing period clothing

17. a famous structure or landmark (man-made or natural)

18. a frame-worthy design

19. at least one person of color (POC)

20. someone partly or fully submerged in water

21. a lighted window

22. a bird

23. a futuristic scene

24. a weapon

25. the name of and/or a depiction of a famous person

26. a number in the title or design (numeral or spelled out)

27. a backpack or piece of luggage

28. the words "light" and/or "dark" in the title

29. a foggy/stormy scene

30. a television or movie screen

31. no people

32. an object that is broken

33. a silhouette or shadow

34. a piece of jewelry

35. a sunrise or sunset

36. a cityscape

37. an aquatic animal

38. a light source that can be held in the hand (flashlight, torch, lantern, etc.)

39. the name of one of the four seasons in the title, design, or author's name

40. a depiction of something that has been spilled (milk, paint, blood, etc.)

41. eyewear of some kind (sunglasses, goggles, eyepatch, etc.)

42. a spooky scene

43. something you might find in a child's bedroom (teddy bear, nightlight, crib, etc.)

44. a key and/or a keyhole

45. a real, historical photograph

46. a proper noun in the title or design

47. something that is plaid

48. outdated technology (typewriter, film camera, rotary telephone, etc.)

49. the name of a month in the title, design, or author's name

50. a flag, pennant, or banner

Review: And Then, Boom!

And Then, Boom! And Then, Boom! by Lisa Fipps
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

thought provoking

This book opened my eyes to how kids go hungry in our country everyday and often times we don’t even realize the signs. I liked how Fipps puts her protagonist on a realistic roller coaster of emotions. I appreciate that she doesn’t sugar coat the story nor take the easy way out when resolving his situation. She captures the strength and resilience of kids but also the emotional struggles and coping mechanisms they shouldn’t need at such a young age I look forward to reading whatever she writes next

View all my reviews

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Books By Erin

 This is one I found hosted on Facebook it is a quarterly point based challenge

Book Challenge by Erin 22.0 - Categories
• 5 points: Freebie – read a book that is at least 200 pages
• 10 points: read a book you intended to read in 2024 but didn’t get to it (or you added to your tbr in 2024)
• 10 points: read a book with a main character who is an artist (performer, writer, musician, dancer)
• 15 points: read a book with a picture of a sunset or sunrise on its cover
• 20 points: (chosen by Ashley NL) read a book recommended by book clubs of Jenna Bush, Oprah Winfrey, or Reese Witherspoon
• 20 points: (chosen by Dani D) read a book whose title starts with letter "I," but not I or any contraction of I (no I Will, I'm, I'll, I've...)
Examples: Instructions for Dancing, Internment, Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting
Articles “The” and “An” are okay (i.e. The Informant or An Idiot Abroad)
• 25 points: read a book with a specific city/town name in the title (i.e. Passenger to Frankfurt by Agatha Christie, The Paris Library by Janet S Charles, The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Martin, Dongri to Dubai by S Hussain Zaidi)
• 30 points: read a book with a female villain
• 30 points: read a book written by an author whose first name is Erin or surname is Gray
• 35 points: (chosen by Joanna D) read a book about climate change/climate fiction

Freebie – read a book that is at least 200 pages
• 10 points: read a book you intended to read in 2024
• 10 points: read a book with a main character who is an artist (performer, writer, musician, dancer)
• 15 points: read a book with a picture of a sunset or sunrise on its cover
• 20 points: read a book recommended by book clubs
20 points: read a book whose title starts with letter "I,"
• 25 points: read a book with a specific city/town name in the title
30 points: read a book written by an author whose first name is Erin or surname is Gray
• 35 points: read a book about climate change/climate fiction

Fairytales 25














TBR scavenger hunt 25

  Another monthly challenge I found last year hosted by Marin on her blog.  The intention is to work through your existing TBR list by filling the prompts 

  1.  features a snowstorm  
  2. has a red or pink cover
  3. a book with found family 
  4. a translated novel 
  5. from your favorite genre
  6. been on your tbr longest
  7.  is known for a plot twist 
  8. has culinary themes 
  9. a new release
  10. takes place in a big city
  11. over 300 pgs
  12. takes place on vacation
  13. has water on the cover
  14. 3 word title
  15. longest book on your tbr
  16. takes place in the fall
  17. a banned book
  18. a horror or thriller
  19. author you’ve read before
  20. local author
  21. has a family theme
  22. has candles on the cover
  23. set in winter

Diversify 25

 Diversify your reading has been on my list for a few years now.  I will attempt it again although as as mood reader I do have difficulty with matching months to the theme but we will see how it goes













Motifs 25

   I've decided to give another shot at the monthly motif challenge hosted at Chapter Adventure   I will attempt to read them in the month assigned but will still consider it successful if I complete all the motifs in the year depending on how my mood goes.

JAN- “Punctuated Titles”

Read a book that uses a form of punctuation in its title. Question marks, commas, periods, exclamation marks, etc.

FEB- “Emotional Rollercoaster”

Read a book that will make you feel all the feels! A romantic rollercoaster ride; psychological rollercoaster ride; any emotional journey works. Take your pick!

MAR- “It’s All Geek to Me”

Read a book where technology, science, math, or engineering plays an important role in the story.

APR- “Spring Cleaning”

Read a book that’s been on your TBR (to be read) list for two or more years.

MAY- “Virtual Book Club”

Read a book from a celebrity/influencer book club list, an organization’s book club list, your library’s book club lists, or a book club you’re a part of.

JUN- “No Biz Like Show Biz”

Read a book in which the character(s) is involved in some aspect of the entertainment industry OR read a book that has been turned into a tv show or movie.

JUL- “Single Day Story”

Read a book that takes place over the course of a single day.

AUG- “Vacation Location”

Read a book that takes you to a location you’d love to visit OR read a book that explores elements of that place or culture.

SEP- “Birds, Bugs, Botanicals”

Read a book with birds, bugs, or botanicals that are on the cover, in the title, or part of the story.

OCT- “The Dark Side”

Read a book with a ‘dark’ story OR read a book with a mostly black cover. “Dark” is up for interpretation. This could be dark academia, horror, difficult subject matters, creepy settings, books that take place at night, etc.

NOV- “Popcorn Fiction”

A book that makes for light but enjoyable reading Binge-worthy and low stakes. One-sitting reads. Quick and fun palate cleansers.

DEC- “Snuggle Up & Read”

Let’s get cozy! Read some cozy fiction, a cozy mystery, or a cozy romance book.