Friday, December 25, 2020

Piece of My Heart

 This is the latest installment in the Under Suspicion series by Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke.  I was excited to see this book available as I wasn't sure if they would have more in the series after MHC passed away.  I am hoping Alafair continues to write about Laurie Moran and Alex Buckley.  I find the series based upon cold cases to be an interesting take on mysteries.  The cases generally seem probable since Moran and her production crew dig into old cases, thus making themselves targets of guilty parties who have gotten away with a crime for a very long time.  

This latest has a bit of a twist as you are not sure if the crime is related to the one Laurie is investigating or not.  The story has plenty of red herrings and paths down dead ends.  As a reader I was certainly able to relate to the fear the victims were experiencing and felt the actions of the characters were a realistic response to the situation.  

Piece of My HeartPiece of My Heart by Mary Higgins Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars 

A suspenseful addition to the Under Suspicion series. This one finds the crime a bit closer to home than usual and feels much more urgent. The character relationships and emotions are well written and the guilty party is not immediately revealed. The leadup to the conclusion is well written and seems possible especially given the stressful circumstances the characters are experiencing. I certainly hope Alafair Burke continues this series 

View all my reviews

Challenge Prompts

The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:  

  1. Library Love  #LibraryLoveChallenge -  Book # 138
  2. Finishing the Series-  #FinishingTheSeries2020   up on the Under Suspicion series as of Dec 2020
  3. Cloak and  Dagger #CloakDaggerChal : Book # 116
  4. Six Shooter- 3rd shot

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