Monday, January 13, 2025

Clearing the Piles

  Once again I am doing several challenges to help clear the ever growing TBR pile.  

Some of the TBR challenges refer to physical books I own and others have to do with clearing the list of Want to Read and Library borrows that I am always seeming to add to as well.  

First up are 2 hosted by Bev on her MyReadersBlock blog.  

Mount TBR-   #MountTBR2025  books you already own before 1/1/25  Goodreads group

 Challenge Levels:

Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s-  <== Trying this
Mount Blanc: Read 24 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Vancouver: Read 36 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Ararat: Read 48 books from your TBR pile/s
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Read 60 books from your TBR pile/s
El Toro*: Read 75 books from your TBR pile/s (*aka Cerro El Toro in South America)
Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s
Mount Olympus (Mars): Read 150+ books from your TBR pile/s

The Rules:
*Once you choose your challenge level, you are locked in for at least that many books. You are welcome to voyage further and conquer taller mountains after your commitment is met. 

*Books must be owned by you prior to January 1, 2023

*Audiobooks and E-books may count provided they are yours prior to January 1. ARCs are also fine.

Virtual Mount TBR-  #VirtualMountTBR2025 Clear your want to read list   Goodreads group

 Challenge levels:
Mount Rum Doodle: Read 12 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library
Mount Crumpit: Read 24 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library
Mount Munch: Read 36 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library  

White Plume Mountain: Read 48 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library
Stormness Head: Read 60 books from you Virtual TBR/Wish List Library
Mount Mindolluin: Read 75 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library  <== Trying this
Mount Seleya: Read 100 books 
Mount Olympus: Read 150+ books 

~Once you choose your challenge level you are locked in for at least that many books. If you find you are on a mountain-climbing roll and want to tackle a taller mountain, then you are welcome to upgrade. All books counted for lower mountains carry over towards the new peak.

This challenge is only for books you do not own. They may be borrowed from the library, a friend, found on a free e-book site (like Project Gutenberg), or anywhere else that allows you to temporarily "checkout" the book. Also--unlike Mount TBR--there is no date limit on your wish list. If you see a book that strikes your fancy after January 1 and want to grab it from the library, etc. then go for it.

  This is a straightforward challenge to just track books that are on your to read list- whether or not you actually own them.  Only requirement is that it must be published before 2024 and be on your list at the beginning of the challenge. Not sure if this challenge is being hosted this year or not.  

I found a new TBR challenge last year that is hosted by    Rose City Reads.  The goal is to read 25 books off your TBR this year.  This will obviously coordinate with the others   Link Reviews here

One additional Backlist based challenge is hosted by the Book Girls  They have called it the In Case You Missed It challenge and you will read a book each month from the last 12 years.  So Jan is 2013 and Dec 2024.  They have curated lists of recommendations as well.  I will note the book for the particular year when listing it below.

TBR Books I've read:

any tbr form: 32

books I owned before Jan: 6/12

virtual books/loans: 26/48

Backlist reader: 30

ICYMI:  1/12

Track Mount TBR on Goodreads/  Virtual Mt TBR 
25 in 25 TBR reviews on her blog/   Back List reader  link on her blog 
ICYMI on Book Girls FB page

  1. Golden Hour  (Teddy Fay #7) by Brett Battles
  2. Bound for Murder by Victoria Gilbert
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/5/25   BackList
  3. Everyone Here Is Lying by Shari Lapena
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/1/25 BackList
  4.  When We Left Cuba (The Perez Family, #2) by Chanel Cleeton 
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/15/25 BackList
  5.  Yeast of Eden (Pancake House #4) by Sarah Fox
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/20/25 BackList
  6. The Solace of Bay Leaves (Spice Shop #5) by Leslie Budewitz
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/21/25  BackList
  7. And Then, Boom! by Lisa Fipps
  8. The Spook in the Stacks (Lighthouse Library #4) by Eva Gates
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/31/25 BackList
  9. Stiffs and Swine (Supper Club #4) by Ellery Adams
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 1/31/25 BackList
  10. The Double Helix (Explorer Academy #3) by Trudi Trueit
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/4/25 BackList
  11. Sail Away Patsy (Meg Butler #1) by Leena Clover
  12. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving 
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/10/25 BackList
  13. Evil by the Sea ( By the Sea #4) by Kathleen Bridge
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/14/25 BackList
  14. Spaced Out (Moon Base Alpha #2) by Stuart Gibbs
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/14/25 BackList
  15. Manchester Christmas by John Gray 
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/16/25  BackList
  16. One Potato, Two Potato, Dead by Lynn Cahoon
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/18/25 BackList
  17.  The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas 
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/20/25 BackList
  18. The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate  TBR
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/21/25 BackList
  19. A Fatal Feast (Hamptons Home & Garden Mystery, #6) by Kathleen Bridge
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/22/25  BackList
  20. Have a Deadly New Year (Farm-to-Fork #3.5) by Lynn Cahoon
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/24/25 BackList
  21. Dog Man (Dog Man #1by Dav Pilkey
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/24/25 BackList
  22.  The Battered Body (Supper Club Mystery, #5) by Ellery Adams
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 2/24/25  BackList
  23.  Scone Cold Killer by Lena Gregory    TBR
  24. Crepe Expectations (Pancake House #5) by Sarah Fox
  25.  In the Dog House ( Dog Club #1) by V M Burns
  26. On Thin Icing (Bakeshop #3) by Ellie Alexander  TBR
    •  Blog Post and Goodreads Review 3/3/25  Backlist   
  27.  by Maddie Day TBR
  28. Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton and James Patterson
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 3/5/25  Backlist   
  29. Petals and Poison by Jess Dylan 
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 3/8/25 Backlist   
  30. The Tell Tale Tarte (5 Ingredient #4) by Maya Corrigan  TBR
  31. Love from Paddington (Paddington #14) by Michael Bond
    •  Blog Post and Goodreads Review 3/11/25  Backlist   ICYMI 2015
  32. A Holiday Yarn by Sally Goldenbaum  TBR
    • Blog Post and Goodreads Review 3/11/25  Backlist   


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited that you joined the TBR 25 in '25 Challenge! Happy reading!
