Monday, January 27, 2025

Cover lovers challenge

 I found a new cover based challenge for 2025.   This is generally a fun and interesting way to complete additional challenges.  It is hosted by Susan on her blog Blogginboutbooks

Level One:
 1-10 books

Level Two: 11-20 books

Level Three: 21-30 books

Level Four: 31-40 books  <= my goal

Level Five: 41-50 books

Completed:  0/50

Read a book with a cover that includes:

1. your favorite color

2. headwear of some kind (hat, helmet, yarmulke, hijab, etc.)

3. a mode of transportation

4. bookish elements

5. an author that has a common name spelled in an uncommon way (i.e. Stephenie Meyer, Kelley Armstrong, etc.)

6. an illustrated scene

7. a design that is in desperate need of a makeover

8. a wintry scene

9. a summery scene

10. food

11. a skeleton, bones, or a skull and crossbones

12. floral elements

13. sports equipment

14. a title and/or scene that makes you laugh

15. something you might see in a hospital (medicine bottles, IV stand, stethoscope, doctor, etc.)

16. someone wearing period clothing

17. a famous structure or landmark (man-made or natural)

18. a frame-worthy design

19. at least one person of color (POC)

20. someone partly or fully submerged in water

21. a lighted window

22. a bird

23. a futuristic scene

24. a weapon

25. the name of and/or a depiction of a famous person

26. a number in the title or design (numeral or spelled out)

27. a backpack or piece of luggage

28. the words "light" and/or "dark" in the title

29. a foggy/stormy scene

30. a television or movie screen

31. no people

32. an object that is broken

33. a silhouette or shadow

34. a piece of jewelry

35. a sunrise or sunset

36. a cityscape

37. an aquatic animal

38. a light source that can be held in the hand (flashlight, torch, lantern, etc.)

39. the name of one of the four seasons in the title, design, or author's name

40. a depiction of something that has been spilled (milk, paint, blood, etc.)

41. eyewear of some kind (sunglasses, goggles, eyepatch, etc.)

42. a spooky scene

43. something you might find in a child's bedroom (teddy bear, nightlight, crib, etc.)

44. a key and/or a keyhole

45. a real, historical photograph

46. a proper noun in the title or design

47. something that is plaid

48. outdated technology (typewriter, film camera, rotary telephone, etc.)

49. the name of a month in the title, design, or author's name

50. a flag, pennant, or banner

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're joining in with the challenge. I hope it will be a fun way to add a little something extra to your reading this year :)
