I finally started this series by Rosie A Point. I have had it checked out in my Kindle Unlimited account for months now. I'm not really sure what I think of the series yet. I will finish the other 2 in the box set before deciding whether I will continue on with the series or not.
The book was a quick and easy read that I finished within a day but I did find the main character a bit annoying. Charlie is a spy in hiding and I found that concept to be a bit far fetched for some reason. I think I found her character to be over the top and not very believable. I guess I just have trouble visualizing James Bond/Mission Impossible being a character in a cozy mystery. The series is titled Mission Inn Possible, playing on the surname of the owner of the B&B that is central to the story. I guess that should be an indication that it is meant to be somewhat cheeky and a play on the theme.
As mentioned, I will continue to give the next 2 books a try before I make a final decision on the series. Maybe the characters will grow on my as they develop in the series.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My verdict is still out on this series. While I ended up liking the mystery and the characters, the premise behind our main character's arrival in Gossip, TX seemed a bit fanciful. The spy in hiding felt a bit over the top for me but Ms. Point did a wonderful job of progressing Charlie from a high strung spy to settling into her role as a maid at a B&B. The guilty party was a bit of a surprise so that will keep the reader guessing. If you don't mind a cozy with a bit of a stretch on the back story of the main detective then this is a good series to try.
Challenge Prompts
The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:
- AtoZ #2021AtoZReadingChallenge #AlphabetSoupChallenge "V"
- Virtual Mount TBR #VirtualMountTBR2021 Book #124
- Back List Reader #Backlistreader Book #138
- Cruisin thru Cozies Free choice #81
- Cloak & Dagger #CloakDaggerChal Book #118
- Craving for Cozies Book #99
- Pick your Poison #19-1 A book about secret societies/clubs
- Backpacking Bookworm #bbReadingChallenge2021
- Medical Examiner Challenge 1 Toe Tags
- Beachcomber Challenge
- Crime Scenes
- Row 3
- Bar, store, restaurant
- Weapons
- Row 1
- Poison, poisoned food
- Detectives- Charlie/ Gamma
- Victims- Pete
- Six Shooter Challenge Target #76 Shot #1
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