Friday, February 28, 2025

Review: Scone Cold Killer

Scone Cold Killer Scone Cold Killer by Lena Gregory
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

clever cozy with a bit of sinister

This first in the series was an interesting introduction to Boggy Creek and Gia Morelli. The mystery was a bit more edgy than many cozy mysteries but was well constructed. I did feel like Gia was a bit quick to fall into the dating scenario given her past. It made her feel needy and I wasn’t sure I liked that. I think I’m more used to strong female MCs in cozies. I will read the next book to see how the series develops.

View all my reviews

General Tracking Challenges

Mount TBR   #MountTBR2023 #   2

TBR 25 in 25  #23

Back List Reader  #Backlistreader    21

Genre Specific

Cruisin thru Cozies  Career 2

Cloak & Dagger  #CloakDaggerChal      16  

Craving for Cozies   #CravingCozies  #   12

Six Shooter Challenge    Shot # 1

Medical Examiner Challenge- 4  Toe Tags

Marathon Challenge- 194

Prompt Based Challenges

Cover Lovers    14. A title and/or scene that makes you laugh:

What's in a Name  #wian2025     

 52 Book Club  #the52bookclub2024   1 A pun in the title

Around the Year in 52 Books     1. A book with a cover that has an image of something that starts with A, T, or Y

    Board Game Prompts    1. Apples to Apples Fruit on the cover

      Bookworm     21 Read a book involving a detective or police officer

      BooklistQueen  #booklistqueenchallenge25  15 Own but haven't read

      Beat the Backlist  #BeatTheBacklist   # 40 something upside down on the cover

      HP Professions    8 Nimbus 2001-Set after 2001

      Nerd Daily #thenerddaily #nerdreading2024  52 Reader's choice:

      PopSugar #popsugarreadingchallenge     25 Mc is immigrant or refugee

      Pick your Poison     68 A book about leaving a bad relationship

      Reporters Challenge    21 Stabbed

      Read with Allison  #readwithallison2025     #39  Underhyped book:

        Creative Tracking Challenges

        Chapter Book Bingo  Jan   Feb 

        Monthly Criteria

        Connect 5  challenge  Jan  Feb  Sorry board #3

        Tuesday, February 25, 2025

        Review: The Battered Body

        The Battered Body The Battered Body by J.B. Stanley
        My rating: 4 of 5 stars

        Wow this book was full of twists and turns. Past relationships come front and center in the latest installment of the supper club. Don’t read this book while hungry. All the sweets and savory dishes will have your mouth watering as you try to solve the case with James and his friends

        View all my reviews


        General Tracking Challenges

         Library Love  #LibraryLoveChallenge  #   21

        Virtual Mount TBR #VirtualMountTBR2023 

        TBR 25 in 25  #22

        Back List Reader  #Backlistreader    20

        Audiobook  #2024AudiobookChallenge #  5

        Alphabet Soup Author Edition #AlphabetSoupAuthorChallenge  E

        Finishing the Series  #FinishingTheSeries2025    y

        Finishing the Series travel theme  #FinishingTheSeries2025     y

        Genre Specific

        Bookish Books challenge      9

          Cruisin thru Cozies  fc3

          Cloak & Dagger  #CloakDaggerChal     15   

          Craving for Cozies   #CravingCozies  #   10

          Six Shooter Challenge    Shot # 4

          Medical Examiner Challenge-  6 Toe Tags

          Marathon Challenge- 301

          Prompt Based Challenges

          Cover Lovers    32. An object that is broken

          Around the Year in 52 Books     36. A book with a common household object on the cover

            Board Game Prompts    8. Boggle A book that kept you guessing

              Bookworm     5 Read a cozy mystery

              BooklistQueen  #booklistqueenchallenge25  4 About siblings 

              Beat the Backlist  #BeatTheBacklist   #14 character is an educator

              HP Professions    Skelegrow.  Something broken on cover

              Nerd Daily #thenerddaily #nerdreading2024 #22  Protagonist starting with P:

              PopSugar #popsugarreadingchallenge     10 Got for free 

              Pick your Poison     60 A book with a hermit character

              Read with Allison  #readwithallison2025      16 Set in a small town:

              Reporters Challenge    5 A Character who works with books or writes (librarian/restorer/reporter/author/bookstore clerk)

              Unabridged Podcast     

                Creative Tracking Challenges

                Chapter Book Bingo  Jan   

                Uncorked Reader #UncorkedReading2025   Row # Column #

                Monthly Criteria

                Monthly Keyword #keywordreadingchallenge⁠  

                Book Challenge by Erin  1st Quarter

                Connect 5  challenge  Jan  Feb  

                Fairytale Retellings    #fairytaleretellingchallenge  

                Monthly Motif #motifreadingchallenge⁠  

                Review: Dog Man

                Dog Man Dog Man by Dav Pilkey
                My rating: 3 of 5 stars

                The book is entertaining. I am definitely not the target audience but it was enjoyable. I picked this since the movie is coming out and I wanted to see what it was about. The good vs evil theme is alive and well. There is definitely boy humor - “poop” jokes and all. Fun book to read with kids and grandkids.

                View all my reviews


                General Tracking Challenges

                 Library Love  #LibraryLoveChallenge  #   20

                Virtual Mount TBR #VirtualMountTBR2023 

                TBR 25 in 25  #21

                Back List Reader  #Backlistreader    19

                Alphabet Soup Author Edition #AlphabetSoupAuthorChallenge   d/p

                Genre Specific

                What an Animal     # 9

                Prompt Based Challenges

                Cover Lovers    36. A cityscape: 

                 52 Book Club  #the52bookclub2024   42) Non-human antagonist

                Around the Year in 52 Books     43. A book whose title has ten or fewer letters

                  Board Game Prompts    10. Cards Against Humanity A book containing irreverent humor

                    Bookworm     39 Read a book by an author you've met or spoken to online

                    BooklistQueen  #booklistqueenchallenge25 #5 Becoming movie / show in 25

                    Beat the Backlist  #BeatTheBacklist   # 16 city skyline on the cover

                    HP Professions   #29  Goblins non human main char

                    Nerd Daily #thenerddaily #nerdreading2024  32 2025 adaptation:

                    PopSugar #popsugarreadingchallenge     18  Magical creatures that aren't dragons

                    Pick your Poison     71 The Simpsons: A graphic novel

                    Read with Allison  #readwithallison2025      47 Book adapted to TV/movie: 

                    Unabridged Podcast     3 Graphic novel or comic book:

                      Creative Tracking Challenges

                      My Reading Journey Bingo   Row #2  Column #3  Poetry, Nonfiction or Graphic Novel: Read one book in one of these genres.

                      My Reading Journey Genre Bingo    Row # 2 Column # 3 Graphic Novel

                      Picture Bingo    Row #4  Column #2   14. A chemistry set-up of bottles and tubes

                      Chapter Book Bingo  Jan   

                      Uncorked Reader #UncorkedReading2025   Row #2 Column #3  Embarrassed To Read In Public/Embarrassing Cover

                      Monthly Criteria

                      Monthly Keyword #keywordreadingchallenge⁠  

                      Beyond the Bookends  Jan-  Adapted to Screen

                      Book Challenge by Erin  1st Quarter

                      Connect 5  challenge  Jan  Feb  

                      Fairytale Retellings    #fairytaleretellingchallenge  

                      Monthly Motif #motifreadingchallenge⁠  

                      Review: Have a Deadly New Year

                      Have a Deadly New Year Have a Deadly New Year by Lynn Cahoon
                      My rating: 3 of 5 stars

                      This book had moments of horror movie stupid girl behavior There’s a killer on the loose but let’s split up and go on our own to look for people. The homeowner Cliff and his band are made out to be extremely entitled and out of touch. I think this was a bit exaggerated but it gets the point across. As a novella the story moved quickly and didn’t get flushed out as much as others in the series. We continue to learn a little bit more about some of the support g characters with each book.

                      View all my reviews


                      General Tracking Challenges

                       Library Love  #LibraryLoveChallenge  #   19

                      Virtual Mount TBR #VirtualMountTBR2023 

                      TBR 25 in 25  # 20

                      Back List Reader  #Backlistreader    18

                      Alphabet Soup #AlphabetSoupChallenge   H 

                      Finishing the Series  #FinishingTheSeries2025    y

                      Finishing the Series travel theme  #FinishingTheSeries2025     y

                      Genre Specific  

                      What an Animal     #8

                        Cruisin thru Cozies  holiday 2

                        Cloak & Dagger  #CloakDaggerChal    14    

                        Craving for Cozies   #CravingCozies  #   10

                        Six Shooter Challenge    Shot # 5

                        Medical Examiner Challenge-  1 Toe Tags

                        Marathon Challenge- 88

                        Prompt Based Challenges

                        Cover Lovers    10. Food

                        What's in a Name  #wian2025     

                        Around the Year in 52 Books     16. A book that fits a prompt from the 2016 ATY list

                          Board Game Prompts    28. Monopoly Features a wealthy character

                            Bookworm     1 Read a book you got for free  

                            Beat the Backlist  #BeatTheBacklist   #24 less than 100 pages

                            HP Professions    16 Care of magical creatures. Includes a beloved pet 

                            Nerd Daily #thenerddaily #nerdreading2024  48  Under 250 pages:

                            PopSugar #popsugarreadingchallenge     8  Under 250p

                            Pick your Poison     18 A book with fewer than 150 pages

                              RAD Challenge  #aradreadingchallenge       5 Novella: Happily Ever Afters:

                              Read with Allison  #readwithallison2025      2 Set in winter:

                              Reporters Challenge   #20  Set during a storm (doesn’t have to be whole story)

                              TBR Scavenger Hunt #1  features a snowstorm  

                              Unabridged Podcast     

                                Creative Tracking Challenges

                                My Reading Journey Bingo   Row #1  Column #2 Novella: Read a Novella:

                                My Reading Journey Genre Bingo    Row #1  Column # 1 Novella

                                Picture Bingo    Row #  Column #

                                Chapter Book Bingo  Jan   

                                Uncorked Reader #UncorkedReading2025   Row # Column #

                                Monthly Criteria

                                Monthly Keyword #keywordreadingchallenge⁠  

                                Book Challenge by Erin  1st Quarter

                                Connect 5  challenge  Jan  Feb  

                                Fairytale Retellings    #fairytaleretellingchallenge  

                                Monthly Motif #motifreadingchallenge⁠  

                                Saturday, February 22, 2025

                                Jan Chapter Break Bingo

                                 We’re starting a new feature here on Chapter Break to play a little bookish BINGO! We’ll have a new card each month and the goal is to get the most squares filled in, blackout style.


                                • You may use the same book to fill multiple squares
                                • You must have read (finished) the book in that month to count for that particular month’s card

                                Share your bingo card at the end of each month and list the of books you used to fill in each of the squares. Link up your post and we’ll plug the winner for each month’s bingo card. For funsies, we’ll also do a quarterly raffle for all participants.

                                Completed Card

                                Bonus:  Char in a Club in a book Club  
                                1. The Spook in the Stacks (Lighthouse Library #4) by Eva Gates

                                Row 1:

                                Row 2:
                                Row 3:
                                Row 4:
                                Row 5: