The Plot and the Pendulum is the 13th installment in Jenn McKinlay's Library Lovers mystery series. It has been fun to watch the characters and their relationships grow with the series. It is like visiting old friends when reading it. I appreciate that there are fresh storylines and they don't all feel like a formulaic read.
This particular book has some atmospheric vibes as it is set around Halloween and there is the question of whether the house they are visiting is haunted. This book felt very much like an adult version of a Nancy Drew book; that is not an insult in my opinion.
I hope to keep reading about Lindsay and Sully for a good while.
The Plot and the Pendulum by Jenn McKinlay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Enjoyable read with some spooky seasonal elements. This is a case of an old mystery being solved today. There are quite a few twists and turns and attempts to cast suspicion on others. I enjoy reading about the daily activities as well as the mystery solving aspects in these books
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Challenge Prompts
The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:
- Goodreads and Reading by the Numbers #ReadingByNumbers2023 Book #
- Library Love #LibraryLoveChallenge Book # 76
- Literary Escapes #LiteraryEscapes CT
- Finishing the Series #FinishingTheSeries2023 Series: 13 Book #1
- Stacking the Series #stackingseries2023 13
- Series Catchup #seriescatchup2023 3
- What an Animal Book #34
- Virtual Mount TBR #VirtualMountTBR2023 Book #85
- Cruisin thru Cozies Free choice #42
- Cloak & Dagger #CloakDaggerChal Book #70
- Craving for Cozies Book #59
- Six Shooter Challenge Target # 69 Shot #3
- Medical Examiner Challenge 1 Toe Tags
- Read Your Bookshelf August: A book that is the same genre as your July book.