I have been reading the VI Warshawski series for a while now. I had missed a few and picked this one, Shell Game, up as an award winner for my Monthly Award Challenge. It was good catching up with VI and her friends- Lottie Herschel, Mr. Contreras and news reporter, Murray Ryerson.
While I enjoyed reading the latest in Sara Paretsky's series, I did find the political undertones of the book a bit unnecessary at times. The book deals with immigrants and ICE and the fear that many live under while here in the US. I understand that is a real fear and am fine with the plot as it pertains to this serious issue. What I did not care for was the commentary on the current President. I felt it was unnecessary in portraying the severity and emotion of the situation and the storyline.
I have read other books that make references to current world situations without specifying president names or parties- for example the Patterson book written with Bill Clinton, The President is Missing. That book was written about the fact the President has to make decisions for the nation and sometimes they aren't politically popular but the President is just doing the best job for the country not necessarily for their party agenda.
Despite the political preaching, the story was still an enjoyable read for me and I will probably go back and read the books I missed in the series once I finish the others on my list.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I had not read a VI Warhawski book in a while and was happy to come back and reconnect with the PI in the Windy City. It is always enjoyable to read about books that are set in your home area especially as V.I. traverses all over the Chicagoland. The plot was an intriguing one with plenty of twists and turns. Enjoyable as always to read the VI series. I am now motivated to go back and read the books in the series I have missed. The only issue I have is the commentary on the current president that is mentioned several times in the book. That could have been left out and the story lines about ICE and immigrant fears would have still been as powerful.
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Challenge Prompts
The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:- Library Love #LibraryLoveChallenge - Book #38
- Literary Escapes- IL
- Cloak and Dagger #CloakDaggerChal : Book #30
- Medical Examiner- 1 Toe Tag
- Six Shooter- 1st shot for Sara Paretsky
- Popsugar- #popsugarreadingchallenge #13 same title as a tv show/ movie but is unrelated to it
- Around the Year in 52 Books- #43 A book related to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse- death and war
- Book List Queen #27 About a Controversial Topic
- 2020 TBR #2020TBRReadingChallenge #17 A book set in the state you live in
- TBR Book # 26 #Backlistreader ; #MountTBR2020; #StartOnYourShelfathon
- While I was Reading #11 A book set in the state you live in
- Monthly Book Award- #GXOAwardReadingChallenge Edgar Award for Sue Grafton Memorial Award (2019)
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