Challenge Tracking

Past Reading and Challenges

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Who's Dead Doc?

The next installment in the Jules and Bun cozy mystery series proved to be as enjoyable as the first book in the series.  When selecting books for the cozy mystery challenge I wasn't so sure about the paranormal category.   It's generally not my cup of tea.   This version of it with telepathy between a rabbit and owner is a fun take on the cozy genre.   I have found myself enjoying it tremendously.
This second book brought back the characters from the first book and continued to build on their relationships.   The mystery was plausible and satisfactorily challenging to solve without being unbelievable. 

I look forward to the next book in the series which is currently listed on Goodreads as due to be published in Feb 2021.   Guess I will have to add it to my TBR and include it in my challenges next year.

Who's Dead, Doc? (Jules & Bun Mystery #2)Who's Dead, Doc? by J.M. Griffin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

an enjoyable cozy that gave a chance to revisit NH and catch up on the antics of Jules and Bun. They found themselves in trouble yet again while trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. enjoyable series and i hope there are more to come

View all my reviews

Challenge Prompts

The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:

Possible prompts

I will decide as the year goes along which prompts I use it for on several challenges since it meets multiple criteria within the challenge.
  1. Library Love  #LibraryLoveChallenge -  Book 80
  2. Cravings for a Cozy and Cloak and  Dagger #CloakDaggerChal : Book  62
  3. Cruising through cozies -  Free choice 17
  4. Medical Examiner-  1 Toe Tag 
  5. Six Shooter-  2nd shot Target 23
  6. Popsugar- #popsugarreadingchallenge #36 with a pink cover
  7. Wizarding World Tour  
    • Hogwarts:  Book of your choosing   -  completes the passport for Hogwarts
  8. Monthly Motif   #MonthlyMotifGXO- Creature Feature

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