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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sophie Kinsella continues to entertain with Undomestic Goddess

I recently finished reading Sophie Kinsella's Undomestic Goddess.  I read it over the course of several dreary winter days and found myself in a cheery mood each time I read it.  Like many of Kinsella's books, it felt like I was reading a happy, chick flick movie.

In the book, Samantha Sweeting's escapades entertain us as she goes from London to the Cotswolds.
Without giving too much plot detail away,  a series of events- some more comical than others, leads Samantha to find her way to the home of Lee and Trish Geiger in the Cotswolds.  As she adapts to her new life there, there are many comical moments and the requisite romantic tensions. The story does have a few twists and turns, some more predictable than others, and is overall very entertaining.

There is some soul searching by Samantha as well.  Her relationship with her mother and brother give pause to how we raise our children and the messages we send through our actions while they live under our roof. There are also components of deciding what makes a fulfilled life and how we each define it.

The thought provoking aspects of the story are there if you chose to think about them.  If you just want a lighthearted read that's there as well. 

 All in all I would recommend it as a fun read by the fire or on a summer's day at the beach.

The Undomestic GoddessThe Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Delightful lighthearted read

I enjoyed this book , it was a fun read. There are some serious moment when Samantha is trying to deciding direction her life should follow. There are plenty of laugh out loud moments and romantic components too. All in all i'd say it's like reading a chick flick. Definitely a cherry read does gloomy winter day or a perfect beach read

View all my reviews

Challenge Tracking

The book fulfills prompts for several challenges:

  1. Library Love (Book 9)
  2. TBR Book #6  #Backlistreader ; #MountTBR2020; #StartOnYourShelfathon
  3. 2020 TBR  #2020TBRReadingChallenge  #9  NY Times Bestseller (2005)
  4. Literary Escapes- England
  5. AtoZ  and Alphabet Soup #AlphabetSoupChallenge  "U"
  6. Alphabet Soup Author Edition #AlphabetSoupAuthorChallenge-  "K"
  7. Book List Queen #6 A Love Story
  8. While I was Reading #12 a romance novel
  9. Wizarding World Tour  
    • Hogwarts:  Harry Potter Universe reference
  10. Beat the Backlist #BeatTheBacklist2020 #1  genre mashup
  11. 52 Books in 52 weeks  #15 Book with romance 
  12. Popsugar- #popsugarreadingchallenge #50 main character in their 20s
  13. 20 in 20 #Read20in2020 #8 a humor book 

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