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Friday, April 9, 2021

Hop til you Drop

 This 3rd installment in the Jules and Bun series by J.M. Griffin was a well timed read for me as it was set around Easter.  In this book Jules and Bun get caught up in the death of a cantankerous city employee while working at the Easter Hop event.  They have the unfortunate timing to discover her body while helping set up the event.  The book is full of multiple suspects and has plenty of twists and subplots.  There are some fun moments with the bunnies on Jules' farm and in her interactions with Bun.  This cozy has a bit of the supernatural as Jules is able to hear Bun telepathically.  It makes for some interesting dialogue to say the least.

The development of Jules' character and her business is a great center to the stories in the series.  I enjoyed the subplot of Jules and Jessica giving a seminar to college students on entrepreneurship and owning your own small business.   This adds a nice dimension to the story along with the plot aspects involved in running the store at the rabbit farm.  It provides authenticity to the setting and storyline.   

I look forward to reading more about the exploits of these 2 characters and there friends.

Hop 'Til You DropHop 'Til You Drop by J.M. Griffin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A fun continuation in the Jules and Bun series. This book continues to develop the relationships Jules has with her friends and employees. It does a good job of balancing a mystery with a realistic look at trying to run a small business. The cute rabbit that communicates telepathically doesn’t hurt either. 3rd in the series but can be read stand alone as well

View all my reviews

Challenge Prompts

The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:  

  1. Library Love  #LibraryLoveChallenge  Book #38
  2. Literary Escapes  #LiteraryEscapes  NH
  3. Finishing the Series   #FinishingTheSeries2021  series 17 book 3 Caught up on Series
  4. Virtual Mount TBR #VirtualMountTBR2021   Book #46
  5. Back List Reader  #Backlistreader  Book #51
  6. Calendar of Crime  #CalendarOfCrime2021   
  7. Cruisin thru Cozies  #4 book 2 paranormal
  8. Cloak & Dagger  #CloakDaggerChal  Book #37
  9. Craving for Cozies  Book #31
  10. Medical Examiner Challenge  2 Toe Tags
  11. Beachcomber Challenge  
    • Crime Scenes 
      • Row 2
        • Lake or ocean
      • Row 5
        • Garden, park, gazebo
    • Weapons
      • Row 1 
        • Poison, poisoned food
      • Row 2 
        • Knife
    • Detectives- Jules/Bun
    • Victims- Della/Frank
  12. Six Shooter Challenge  Target #23  Shot #3

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