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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Red, White & Royal Blue

 I was uncertain what to expect when I selected this novel by Casey McQuiston.   I found the book to be quite enjoyable but also very thought provoking.  I cannot imagine what it would be like to be under constant scrutiny.  I never wanted fame, but after reading this book I definitely do not want fame and all the baggage that comes with it.   

Alex and Henry must adjust to their growing relationship and the heavy responsibilities of their positions within their respective countries.  There are expectations that both are struggling with meeting while still finding their personal happiness.  The novel depicts the difficulties of growing up and finding oneself but then adds the layer of political responsibility and fame.   

The only reason I didn't give the book a 5 star rating is because I am not a big fan of graphic sexual encounters.  I find myself skipping over these scenes in Stone Barrington books as well as in many movies and tv shows.  I feel as though private lives should be just that. I did not find it detracted from the story but rather I was able to skim over those portions while still absorbing the complexity and depth of the relationships.   I understand why the book got all the hype it did.

Red, White & Royal BlueRed, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars 

Emotionally raw at times

I didn’t really know what to expect of this book. I ended up really enjoying it and found it emotionally engaging. You cannot help but root for Alex and feel like you’re right there with him as he struggles through his emotional and sexual growth. My only hesitation was some of the sexual scenes were a bit graphic and detailed for me taste. That’s just me, not a big fan of reading explicit details. I skipped over much of it just as I do in a Stone Barrington book. These did not detract from the story and did highlight the rawness of the relationship. I’m glad I gave this book a go 

View all my reviews

Challenge Prompts

The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:  

  1. Popsugar- #popsugarreadingchallenge  17- that won an award in 2019
  2. Book List Queen #24- A Book Everyone Is Talking About 
  3. Wizarding World Tour  possible categories
    • Koldovstoretz: set in a palace
  4. While I was Reading  A book you heard about on TV/Radio/a podcast
  5. Monthly Book Award-   #GXOAwardReadingChallenge  Goodreads 2019

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