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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Dr. Shine Cracks the Case

This was a new series that I received as an ARC book from Cathy Tully.  It was an enjoyable read with a different spin on the career the protagonist was pursuing.  Savannah is a chiropractor in this series set in GA.   She is a strong and quirky character with a bit of a past that she cannot quite seem to leave fully behind her.  Living in a small town in GA doesn't help to shed her history and she isn't quite a local yet either.  Fortunately for her she has made some strong friends over her years in Peach Grove and they play a central role is this cozy.   Hopefully this is the start of a series staring Dr. Shine as it is an enjoyable book with enough misleading clues and potential suspects to keep the reader engaged.  The characters are believable and seem like people you would encounter in real life.  

 Dr. Shine Cracks the Case

Dr. Shine Cracks the Case by Cathy Tully
My rating: 4 of 5 stars 

I really enjoyed reading about Susannah and her BFF Bitsy They have a great quirky friendship that feels so real the reader wishes they were seated at the giant kitchen table eating peach cobbler with them. The banter and teasing that goes on among them and with Larraine and Tina is very realistic and authentic. The book captures the charm and downside to small town living quite well. Dr. Shine’s feeling of still being an outsider after all her years living there seems so accurate
The actual mystery is well written with multiple red herrings but the clues are there and you can figure the guilty party out just prior to Susannah’s epiphany. I look forward to reading more in this series 

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Challenge Prompts

The Challenge Prompts I will use this for are:  
  1. Literary Escapes-  GA
  2. Cravings for a Cozy and Cloak and  Dagger #CloakDaggerChal : Book # 104
  3. Cruising through cozies -  Free choice 44
  4. Medical Examiner-  1 Toe Tag 

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