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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Review: Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage

Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage Murder, She Wrote: Murder Backstage by Jessica Fletcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Enjoyable installment in the series. I enjoy the originality of the story line and the fact I feel like I’m reading about friends after so many years of the tv show and the books. It’s easy to keep the cast of characters straight since they are so familiar. This book has a wonderful level of details about Edmonton and is particularly enjoyable with its reference to the Oilers and hockey since I read it during the NHL playoffs which the Oilers are in currently. The mystery is well constructed amidst all the descriptions of the settings and the guilty party is a surprise but the plot works and the reasons make sense when explained. An enjoyable cozy read

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