Challenge Tracking

Past Reading and Challenges

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 Probably the easiest challenge for me to participate in is the Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge.  It is hosted on Facebook.  Since cozy mysteries are my favorite genre, this is by far the easiest to complete with mood reads.  

Track progress on FB and using IG templates @cozychallenges .

Progress:  0/  

  1. boat on the cover
  2. car on the cover
  3. something broken on cover
  4. house or buildiing on cover
  5. food or drink on the cover
  6. holiday based cozy
  7. next in a series you started last year
  8. from an author's backlist
  9. paranormal or magical
  10. fav prompt from a past challenge
  11. real person as a character
  12. cozy you would have read regardless
  13. makes you laugh out loud
  14. alliterative title
  15. 2 or more sleuths
  16. title has a number
  17. from a series with 10 or more books
  18. sleuth who is or was a journalist
  19. author's name starts with same letter as yours
  20. fav author
  21. bonus:  3 cozies one commonality
  22. bonus 2 story takes place in 2 places
  23. bonus 3 3 cozies nominated but not selected for a chat

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